We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed. Every communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
It does not seem necessary to add to Professor Hart's defense of the wisdom of the Co-operative Society in voting a salary to the President at the last annual meeting; but it is worth while to point out that the recent opposition to that vote only emphasizes anew the instability of the present organization.
The Directors made great efforts to draw members to that meeting; there had been active opposition immediately before it to the policy of the present Board; and it had been widely advertised that matters of vital importance were to be considered. It is the unanimous action of this meeting, which was the largest of recent years which is now attacked. If ever a matter has been settled by the active co-operation of the members of the Society, it was this vote on salaries. That it is attacked now is as practical and striking a demonstration as could be desired that stability of administration cannot be hoped for under the present system.
This instability has an immediate effect on the convenience of the Society to its members. We all know that the service in the store has not been entirely satisfactory. It is hard to see how it can ever be under the present system; for the Superintendent cannot promise a competent clerk fair wages and a prospect of reasonable increase with any certainty that his action will not be upset by a change in the Directorate. Interference by the Directors in such matters, where the responsibility should be borne by the Superintendent, has been a potent cause in the recent past of unintelligent and uninterested service in the store. If the Society be incorporated, the stockholders will, for their own sakes if for no other reason, take pains to select as Directors undergraduates who will aid in making the service more intelligent, agreeable and economical. J. H. GARDINER.
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