The Yard will be enclosed by a fence on Commencement Day, and admission will be by ticket. The Gates used will be the Johnston, and Meyer, and those of the Classes of 1857, 1876, and 1877. Only holders of degrees, officers of instruction and government, guests of the Corporation, and students will be admitted. Ladies will not be admitted.
Officers of instruction and government may now obtain tickets for themselves either at the Treasurer's Office, 50 State Street, Boston (office hours from 10 to 2 o'clock), at the offices of the Deans of the Medical, Dental and Bussey Schools, or in Cambridge at 16 University Hall. Tickets cannot be sent by mail.
Students, including candidates for degrees and students residing in the Yard, will need tickets. Tickets will be distributed, under the direction of the Deans of the various schools, on Monday, June 23, as follows: Harvard College, Lower Mass., 9 o'clock; Scientific School, Univ. 16, 9 to 12 o'clock; Graduate School, Univ. 10, 9 to 12 o'clock; Bussey Institution, Dean's Office, 9 to 12 o'clock; Dental School, Room A, 9 to 12 o'clock; Medical School, North Lecture 10 Faculty Room, 10 o'clock; Law School, North Lecture Room, 9 to 12 o'clock; Divinity School, Divinity Library, 12 o'clock. Application must be made in person, and the tickets are not transferable.
Candidates for degrees, though they need Yard tickets, do not need for themselves tickets of admission to the Commencement exercises in Sanders Theatre. A limited number of tickets to the Commencement Exercises in Sanders Theatre will be available for candidates for degrees to give to their friends. These tickets will be distributed, under direction of the Deans of the various schools, on Monday morning, June 23, at the time and place of distribution of tickets to the Yard. Not more than one ticket can be given to any applicant.
The public will not, as heretofore, be admitted to the Theatre after the procession has entered.
Officers of instruction and government are requested to assemble in Massachusetts Hall at 9.30 o'clock. The candidates for degrees, in gowns or dark clothes, will assemble, under direction of their respective marshals, at 9.30 o'clock: all speakers and the candidates for the degree of A. B., near the east end of Holworthy Hall; candidates for S.B., A.M., S.M., Ph.D., and S.D., in front of Stoughton Hall; candidates for B.A.S., D.M.D., M.D., LL.B., S.T.B., in front of Hollis Hall. M. H. MORGAN, Commencement Marshal.
It is desired by the officers of the University, and by the Chief Marshal of the Alumni, Mr. Gray '77, that no photographic cameras be used in the Yard on Commencement Day. That day is with us like a private party; and it certainly is not good form that our guests should be subject to the terrors of the camera; in fact, the police who will be at the gates have been instructed not to permit the passage of cameras through the gates or through the lines outside. It is hoped that students in particular will conform to the wishes which have been expressed above. M. H. MORGAN. Marshal.
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