
College Commencement Tickets.

One hundred and twenty-three tickets have been given to me for distribution among candidates for the degree of A.B. The Commencement speakers and the Marshals are otherwise provided for. The Secretary of the class, members of the Class Committee, and members of the Class Day Committee will receive from me two tickets each, the number assigned to these officers in previous years. The remaining one hundred and nine will be distributed by lot among those candidates who apply to the Recorder, in writing, before 12 m., on Saturday, June 21. Successful applicants will get their tickets by applying in person at Lower Massachusetts between 9 a. m. and 12 m. on Monday, June 23. Obviously, in the allotment not more than one ticket can be assigned to any student. These tickets are for the friends of candidates; the candidates themselves need no tickets of admission to Sanders Theatre.

Students in the College may get tickets which will admit them to the College Yard on Commencement Day, if they apply in person at Lower Massachusetts Hall between 9 a. m. and 12 m. on Monday, June 23. Students who cannot be in Cambridge on Monday may get tickets by applying at 4 University Hall on Tuesday morning. No one will be admitted to the Yard without a ticket.
