
Yale Game Tickets.

There will be a sale of tickets for the Harvard-Yale game to be played on Soldiers Field to undergraduates today from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. at Leavitt & Peirce's. The price of each ticket is $1.50, and each undergraduate may buy four tickets.

H. A. A. and season ticket holders will be admitted to a special section. If a holder of one of these tickets wishes to sit in another section he may obtain a seat check by presenting his H. A. A. or season ticket and $1.00 in cash at the sale. He should keep his ticket for admission to the field, as the seat check admits only to the section.

Applications for tickets from officers of the University and graduates will be received at the H. A. A. Office until 6 p. m., today. Checks should be drawn payable to the Harvard Athletic Association. For the convenience of graduates in town, there will be a sale tomorrow from 10.30 to 12.30 at the Parker House.

Anyone wishing a friend to buy tickets by proxy must send a written order signed by himself.
