

First Championship Game on Soldiers Field.--Cornell Has Strong Team.

The lacrosse team will play Cornell in the first championship game of the season this afternoon at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field.

Cornell this year has a stronger team than ever before and will prove especially formidable on the attack. The Harvard team has been strengthened greatly since the southern trip, having defeated the College of the City of New York and made an excellent showing against the strong Crescent team. Numerous changes, however, have been made in the line-up during the past week, the outcome of which is very uncertain. Of these the most important are the placing of Kendall at goal in place of Manning and the substitution of Bennett for Hoguet at centre, the latter playing outside home. With the exception of goal the defense positions are well filled. As a whole the team-work is now more reliable than it has been at any previous time this season. Last year, although beaten by a small margin, Cornell gave Harvard the hardest and fastest game in the championship series.

Admission tickets at 50 cents each are on sale at the Union and Leavitt's. H. A. A. tickets will also admit.

The line-up will be as follows: HARVARD.    CORNELL. Kendall,  goal,  Finlay. Chaffee,  point,  Alexander. Wynne,  coverpoint,  Forrest. Stevenson,  first defense,  Armstrong. Hanavan,  second defense,  Wagner. Kibbey,  third defense,  Woodward. Bennett,  centre,  Boesher. Penhallow,  third attack,  Kelly. Alvord,  second attack,  Magoffin. Michell,  first attack,  Wood. Hoguet,  outside home,  Bogart. Goddard,  inside home,  Ferguson.
