The two University crews raced yesterday for the first time this year, over the three and three-eighths miles course down stream from the Boylston street bridge to the Union Boat Club. Ayer's crew gave Bullard's crew fifteen seconds start, or about five lengths, which they reduced to three lengths in the first quarter mile. Careless steering through the second bridge lost the distance again. Both crews made a very low stroke, seldom going above 29 and frequently dropping so low as 27, which is attributed to fear on the part of the new men that they could not last the distance. At the Longwood bridge Ayer's crew had reduced the distance between the eights to three lengths, and at Harvard bridge Bullard's crew was still leading by that distance. For the last mile both crews rowed with more snap and life, raising the stroke gradually to 32 and at the finish to 35. Bullard's crew finished about three lengths ahead.
After a rest at the Union Boat Club, the crews rowed back to the University boat house, coached from the launch by Mr. Higginson and E. C. Storrow '89. G. S. Mumford '87, and Captain Bullard were also on board.
The squad will probably be graded into a first and a second crew in a few days.
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