
Boylston Prize Speakers Retained

Of the thirty-four men who spoke on Saturday morning at the preliminary trial to select speakers for the Boylston prizes for elocution, thirteen have been retained for the final trial on Thursday, and will speak in the following order, which has been drawn by lot: W. H. Pitkin, Jr., '02, H. W. Bynner '02, C. G. Loring, Jr., '03, E. E. Smith '02, L. Warner '03, R. Wellman '03, L. P. Hill '03, H. W. Holmes '03, M. Hale '03, O. G. Frantz '03, C. H. Scovell '03, W. C. McDermott '03, and S. Thurman '03.

The speaking was of high average in intelligence and showed careful preparation. The form of the men was generally good. The voices were well modulated, but as a rule failed to interpret the true meaning and emotion in the selections and were too reserved.
