
Senior Spread Notice

Tickets for the Senior Spread will be sold at the Athletic Office today from 1.30 to 3.30. Tables for six people will be sold for $10.00; for four people for $8.00. One table only will be sold to each Senior. Single tickets for use of others than Seniors will be sold for $2.50. Single Senior admission tickets will be sold for $1.00 each, but only to Seniors who do not buy tables.

Seniors who wish to invite graduates or undergraduates to the dance can leave the names and addresses of these men at the sale today. Invitations will then be sent to these undergraduates and graduates, enabling them to buy admission tickets to the Spread for $2.50 each.

Cash only will be accepted at this sale. No Yard tickets or other Class Day tickets will be sold today. The next sale of them will be on June 4. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
