
Interclass Golf.

The Juniors defeated the Seniors and the Freshmen defeated the Sophomores yesterday afternoon in the first round of the interclass golf tournament. The final round for the class championship will be played this afternoon between the Freshmen and the Juniors.

The scores yesterday were as follows: 1902.    1903. Richardson,  0  Thornton,  1 Wadsworth,  0  Riker,  2 Emery,  0  Appleton,  10 Kinnicutt,  0  Tuckerman,  2   0    15 1904.    1905. Murdock,  3  Lapham,  0 Richards,  0  W.E. Egan,  2 Thatcher,  0  H.C. Egan,  2 Ingalls,  0  Proal,  0   3    4
