
Tennis with Yale Today.

The tennis team left Boston last night at 5 o'clock to play Yale today at the New Haven Lawn Club. The singles matches will begin at 10 o'clock this morning and the doubles will be played in the afternoon. In each single and each double match two out of three sets will probably be played.

The Yale team with the exception of H. A. Plummer '03, who is a very strong player, is comparatively weak. Harvard, although not particularly strong, is more experienced, and by steady playing should at least win the singles. The pairing of the men for the doubles has been made as follows: Leonard and Warland; Blagden and Bishop; Farrington and Herrick. In the singles the teams will probably play in the following order: HARVARD.  YALE. E. W. Leonard '03,  H. A. Plummer '03 W. P. Blagden '04,  S. L. Russell '02 W. S. Warland '03,  H. L. Galpin '02 D. Farrington '04,  P. K. Condict '03 W. D. Herrick 3L.,  H. C. Martin '02 R. Bishop 1L.,  R. Schley '03
