
Races for Cups Yesterday.

The 120 and 220 yards hurdle races for the Garcelon-Bremer cups and the two-mile run for the Blakemore-Foote cups were held yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field. The 120 yards hurdle race was won by O. J. Ives '03. The first three men finished as follows: O. J. Ives '03, first; S. Johnson '05, second; L. A. Cooper '05, third. The time was 17 1-5 seconds. The 220 yards hurdles resulted as follows: First heat--won by R. B. Noyes '02; second, J. A. Powelson '05; time, 28 seconds. Second heat--Won by F. R. Bauer '04; second, L. A. Cooper '05; time, 28 2-5 seconds. The final heat was very closely contested between F. R. Bauer '04 and L. A. Cooper '05, Bauer finishing 2 feet in front of Cooper. R. B. Noyes '02 finished third. The time was 26 1-5 seconds.

The two-mile race was won by R. C. Ware '04 in 10 minutes 38 1-5 seconds. L. C. Doyle '04 was second and J. B. Fernald '08 third. Ware took the lead on the sixth lap and maintained it to the end.

An all-around meet, consisting of hop, step and jump, 25 yards dash, high jump, broad jump, knapeack race and shot put, was won by T. H. Graydon '03 with 13 1-2 points. O. J. Ives '03 was second with 11 and N. S. McKendrick sC. third with 10. There were twenty contestants including W. F. Gareelon '95 and A. W. Blakemore '97.
