
Summer School Instructors.

The Summer School for 1902 will open July 5 and close August 15. The instructors who will conduct the forty-five courses offered are as follows: In Greek, one course, Dr. Chase; in Latin, one course, Dr. Baker; in English, seven courses, Professor Hurlbut, Dr. Neilson, Mr. laRose, Mr. Greenough', Mr. Lawrence; in voice cultivation, one course, Mr. Hills; in speaking, one course, Mr. Winter; in German, one course, Dr. Coar; in French, one course, Dr. Ford; in Spanish, one course, Dr. Ford; in history, three courses, Professor MacVane, Dr. Gross, Professor Hart; in government one cours, Professor MacVane; in psychology, two courses, Mr. Yerkes; in education, three courses, Professor Hanus, Mr. Norton, Dr. Huling, Dr. Balliet, Mr. Aldrich, Dr. Prince, Mr. Morss; in drawing, two courses, Dr. Ross, Mr. Warren; in music, two courses, Mr. Mason; in mathematics, six courses, surveying, one courses, Mr. Turner; in shopwork, one course, Professor Burke; in physics, two course, Professor Sabine, Dr. McElfresh, Mr. Hill; in chemistry, two courses, Dr. Baxter; in botany, two courses, Mr. Olive; in geology, two courses, Professor Shaler, Mr. Woodman; in geography, one course, Mr. Burr; and in physical training, one course, Dr. Sargent.
