An undergraduate demonstration in honor of Dean Briggs was held in the Yard last night. At 7 o'clock a large crowd assembled in Quincy square, and marched to the Yard, where the Glee Club gave a short concert. In the meantime Mr. and Mrs. Cobb, who had had Dean Briggs and Mrs. Briggs for tea, brought them over to the Dean's office in University Hall. Upon their arrival the crowd rushed over from Matthews and gathered around University steps. E. Lewis '02 led the cheering for Harvard and for the Dean, who in answer to calls for a speech, said as follows:
"Gentlemen--I am afraid I can't say anything. I have just been inveigled here by my friend, Mr. Cobb. I can only say that I am not a bit afraid for the students of Harvard College, because I know in Mr. Hurlbut's hands they will be looked after well, and I can only hope that when I give up my present work, I shall still see a great deal of the students of Harvard College. I am sure they can get along without me, but I know I can't go along without them."
There was further cheering for the Dean, and then the demonstration closed with the singing of "Fair Harvard."
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