The University nine defeated Williams yesterday in a very slow game by a score of 7 to 2.
The fielding was characterized by errors on the part of both teams. The team showed life at the bat in the beginning of the game, but let up after gaining a lead of 6 to 1 in the fifth inning. The bunting showed improvement.
Carr played a fast game at third base, making three put outs and three assists, and getting two singles and one two-base hit. Stillman pitched very well, allowing Williams only two hits. He made one two-base hit but struck out in the fourth inning with a man on second. Randall made two errors at first base, once when knocked over by the runner, and again by missing a ground ball. He made three hits. Skilton fielded cleanly, but failed to get a hit, striking out once. R. P. Kernan failed to hit safely, struck out once, and did not throw to bases as well as usual, allowing two stolen bases. Greenough made two errors out of four chances at shortstop, but met the ball squarely and ran well on bases, scoring two runs.
Carr opened the first inning with a hit, and scored on a wild pitch and on errors by Watson and Morgan; singles by Clarkson and Randall, a two-base hit by Stillman and an error by Barstow bringing in three more runs. An error by Nesbit, and a stolen base scored Greenough in the second inning; and an error by Barstow, and two hits brought him in for another run in the fourth. A two-base hit by Carr followed by hits from from Clarkson and Wendell brought in the last run in the sixth.
Errors by Greenough, Kernan and Randall and a stolen base gave Williams one run in the second inning and two hits, an error by Wendell, and a wild pitch in the eighth brought is one more.
The summary follows: Earned runs Harvard 3. Two-base hits--Carr, Stillman. Sacrifice hit H. P. Kernan. Stolen bases Greenough, Jeffrey, Morgan. Double plays Greenough to Randall to R. Kernan; Barslow to Jeffrey to Nesbit. Bases on balls. By Stillman, Jeffrey, Morgan. Struck out By Stillman, Barstow, Durfee, Doughty, McCarthy, Lawrence; by Lawrence; Skilton, R. P. Kernan. Wild pitches--Stillman, Lawrence 2. Umpire Murray. Time of game 2h. 15m.
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