
Juniors Win Shoot.

The Juniors defeated the Freshmen yesterday afternoon in the first shoot of the final series for the interclass championship by a score of 85 to 56. This series will be decided by the best two out of three shoots, the second of which will be held next Thursday. Should the Freshmen win the next shoot a third will be held on Saturday.

The strong wind which blew across the field was largely responsible for the poor showing made by both teams. Each man shot at fifty birds thrown at unknown angles. The individual scores were as follows: 1903.    1905. P. Bancroft,  22  H. R. Colson,  25 E. E. du Pont,  32  M. Tilden,  9 H. L. Corbett,  31  W. M. Tilden,  22 Total,  85  Total,  56
