The University nine defeated the University of Maine Saturday afternoon in the first game of the season by the score of 8 to 2. The game was loosely played particularly during the first few innings, when both nines lacked team work.
The weather, however, was very raw, and many of the errors made were consequently excusable.
With the exception of Coolidge, Wendell, and Matthews, the Harvard, team batted very poorly, making in all only one earned run. Although eight hits were made, these were so scattered that they had very little effect. The base running was fair for this time of year, but lacked dash and vigor. In the field the principal fault was the throwing, which was very inaccurate. This unsteadiness would have been very c stly if the team had been playing against a stronger nine.
Stillman's pitching was very good for the first game, and was more promising than at the same time last year. He allowed Maine only two hits and struck out seven men in the six innings that he played. Hutchinson, who took Stillman's place in the seventh inning, was not so effective. In the infield Matthews and Coolidge were satisfactory, but Carr was unsteady. Kernan made an error in the first inning which was accountable for a run, and seemed unable to hold pitched balls reliably. His throwing to bases was accurate, and except in the first inning not a Maine man stole a base. Wendell played his position at first base very well, considering that this is the first time he has played in that position.
Mitchell played the best game for Maine, making eight assists and two put outs. His pitching was also very steady.
Following is a summary of the game: Earned runs--Harvard 1; Maine 1, Two-base hits Harvard, Coolidge, Matthews; Maine, Davis 2. Stolen bases--Harvard, Rockwell 4, Kernan 2, Black, Wood, Matthews, Skilton; Maine, Holmes, Bases on balls by Stillman, Bachelder, Towse 2, Chadbourne; by Hutchinson, Bachelder, Holmes; by Mitchell, Black. Struck out--by Stillman, Chadbourne 2, Holmes, Davis, Collins, Bacheldor; by Hutchinson, Chadbourne, Towse; by Mitchell, Carr, Wendell, Stillman, Black, Kernan. Double play--Mitchell to Carr. Hit by pitched ball--Black, Rockwell, Coolidge, Carr of Maine. Umpire--Murray.
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