
Seniors Win Lacrosse Game.

The Seniors defeated the Juniors yesterday afternoon in the first interclass lacrosse game by the score of 3 to 1. Both teams were poor in passing and catching, and very weak on the attack. Goddard and Alvord for the Seniors and Parsons and Penhallow for the Juniors played the best individual games.

The line-up follows: 1902.    1903. Pierce,  goal,  Tomlinson. Chaffee,  point,  Sugden. Noyes,  cover-point,  Hanavan. Stevenson,  1st defense,  Smith. Wiswell,  2d defense,  Batten. Edwards,  3d defense,  Wood, Krokyn. Smith,  centre,  Perry. De Costa,  3d attack,  Penhallow. Alvord,  2d attack,  Eddy. Moore,  1st attack,  Beane. More,  outside home,  Binger. Goddard,  inside home,  Parsons. Goals--1902: Goddard 2, Alvord; 1903: Parsons.

1904 vs. 1905 TODAY.

The second game for the lacrosse championship will be played between the Sophomores and Freshmen this afternoon at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field. The winning team will play the seniors in the final game on Monday.

The line-up: 1904.    1905. Leake,  goal,  Kendall. Tufts,  point,  Phillips. de Roode,  cover-point,  Lehman Atwood,  1st defense,  Dial. Fisher,  2d defense,  Rice. Kibbey,  3d defense,  Brooks. Hoguet,  centre,  Adams Bourne,  3d attack,  Baldwin, Davis. Hersey, Wait,  2d attack,  Lincoln. Bennett,  1st attack,  Blaxter. Smith,  outside home,  Outerbridge. French,  inside home,  Hayes.
