
Divinity School Announcement.

The annual announcement of the Divinity School, which has just been published, shows that there are to be several changes in the faculty for next year and several new courses.

The course in advanced study and research, given by the late Professor J. H. Thayer, will be conducted by Assistant Professor Ropes. George Foot Moore, A.M., D.D., and Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph.D., D.D., will become members of the Faculty. Professor G. F. Moore will organize a new Department on the History of Religion, giving three full courses, one half course and a series of twelve lectures on the Introduction to the Study of Theology. Professor E. C. Moore will give one new course on "The Church since the Reformation," and a new half-course on "The Origin and Growth of the New Testament Canon." Professor Lyon will give the course on the "History of Israel" in place of Professor Kellner. In connection with the Study of Church History, the announcement calls attention to the great number of historical courses in the languages, Philosophy, Economics and the fine arts.

The Summer School of Theology for 1902 will open on July 1, and close July 19. The entire session will be devoted to the subject: "Current Problems in Theology."
