
Golf Victory.

The golf team on Saturday afternoon defeated the Agawam Hunt Club team at Providence by a score of 8 holes to 0. Harvard played a very strong game, excelling the Agawam team in driving, and at the same time playing an almost perfect short game.

The scores: HARVARD.  AGAWAM. Hollins,  3  Mauran,  0 Lindsley,  1  Smith,  0 Brown,  1  Barker,  0 Murdock,  0  Mason,  0 W. E. Egan,  3  Congdon,  0 H. C. Egan,  0  Comstock,  0 Totals,  8    0

The golf team will play the Oakley team this afternoon. The following men will play for Harvard: Brown, Wadsworth, Hoffman, Lindsley, Proal, Richardson, Thornton, Tuckerman, Lapham, and H. C. Egan.
