
Leiter Cup Games.

The following Leiter Cup baseball games will be played this afternoon at the times and places given below: Boiler Makers vs. Anythings, on Holmes Field at 4 o'clock; Goups vs. Butterfingers, west diamond, Norton's Field at 4 o'clock; Anti-Fussers vs. Egyptian Deities, south diamond, Norton's Field at 4 o'clock; Bats vs. Inebriates, north diamond, Norton's Field at 4.20 o'clock.

The schedule has been changed so that the Easy Marks will play the B. B.'s on Saturday instead of today. Any Leiter Cup team desiring to practice on either Holmes or Norton's fields may do so, but they must be off the field before 3.30 o'clock. Captains of the teams scheduled to play today may procure a new baseball at the Athletic Association Office in the Union before 12 o'clock.

The games played yesterday resulted as follows: Goups 29, Dodos 22; Indians 28, Hit or Missits 4; Boers 32, Dopeheads 6; Lobsters won from Infants by default.
