

Clarkson and Skilton Will Not Play.--Stillman to Pitch.

The University nine will play its first game with Dartmouth on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Skilton will be unable to play owing to a lame arm; and Clarkson will not be in the game on account of being hit in the leg by a foul tip during practice. Carr will take Skilton's place at third base and Stillman will pitch.

The Dartmouth team has not yet played enough games this season to allow any close estimate of strength. The team won from Exeter on Wednesday by a score of 9 to 2, and was defeated yesterday by Andover, 11 to 5. The batting orders follow:

Harvard--Matthews, ss.; Coolidge, b.; Wendell, l.f.; Stillman, p.: Devens, r.f.; Kernan, c.; Carr, 3b.; Randall, 1b.; Marshall, c.f.

Dartmouth--Pragg, 3b.; Abbott, 2b.; Newick, c.f.; Keady, r.f.; O'Connor, 1b.; Hobbes, s.s.; Davis, l.f.; Rollins, p.; Corse or McGrath, c.
