
Yale and Princeton Baseball.

The Yale baseball team played two games last week. On Monday it defeated Wesleyan, 14 to 2, and Thursday tied Amherst 3 to 3. Wesleyan was weak and Yale had an easy victory, being able to score almost at will. Yale's hitting was fair. The Amherst game was closely contested and both teams played very well for this time of year. The Yale batting was unsatisfactory, probably on account of the strength of Amherst's pitcher. The game, which was called on account of darkness at the end of the twelfth inning, was characterized throughout by fast, clean playing. Yale has secured another coach, Dr. W.H. Murphy of New York, who has been coaching Columbia this spring. Murphy was captain of the '98 team and later played on the New York National League team. His coaching experience includes a season in California and one at the University of Pennsylvania.

A week ago Saturday Princeton was defeated by the Philadelphia American League team by a score of 21 to 4. The Philadelphia team was far superior in batting and the fielding of the Princeton men was very unsteady. Philadelphia made 25 hits to her opponent's 11. On Thursday Princeton defeated Lehigh, 13 to 0, in a one-sided game. Great improvement was shown over the work of the week before, especially in the fielding.
