The University crew squad started work yesterday afternoon. Two eights of nearly equal strength were formed which rowed on the river above the Newell for nearly two hours and were coached from the launch by Mr. Higginson. The work was light and was intended merely to accustom the men to their riggers. Special attention was paid to getting the blades into the water quickly. The orders of the crews were as follows:
Stroke, McGrew; 7, Francis; 6, Swift; 5, Ayer; 4, Foster; 3, Lloyd; 2, Covel; bow, James; cox., Jackson.
Stroke, Bancroft; 7, Bullard; 6, Shuebruk; 5, Colby; 4, Sanger; 3, Dunbar; 2, Phillips; bow, Hartwell; cox., Ivy.
The Freshman crews at the Weld and Newell returned to work last Thursday and have been practicing steadily since then in preparation for their races which will come next week. The orders of the Newell crews and of the first Weld are final, and the other crews will enter the races with but few changes from the orders in which they are now rowing.
The Weld crews show marked improvement over their former work, but, with the exception of the first crew, are lacking in drive and smoothness. The men have plenty of life but are not rowing very well together and show a tendency to rush.
At the Newell all three crews are clipping badly, but in form and speed are probably superior to the corresponding crews at the Weld. The blade-work is good although the catch is too slow and the stroke too short.
The orders of the first crews at the two clubs are as follows:
First Weld--Stroke, Heard; 7, Lawson; 6, McLeod; 5, Nice; 4, Lewis; 3, Bowditch; 2, Ober; bow, Johnson.
First Newell--Stroke, Tew; 7, Swaim; 6, Lamson; 5, Mills; 4, James; 3, Locke; 2, Webster; bow, Page.
The club graded crews will be organized tomorrow and regular work will commence immediately after. As many crews as possible will be formed, but probably only three crews from each will row in the races which will be held about May 15. The regular election of officers of the Weld and Newell clubs will be held before the crews start work.
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Leiter Cup Games.