The sub-committee appointed by Mr. Solomon Lincoln '57, chairman of the Committee of Ten on the recommendations for proposed changes of Commencement Day has presented its preliminary report. It recommends that a circular be sent out to every alumnus setting forth the proposed changes for the purpose of getting an expression of opinion and so aiding the Committee of Ten in preparing its final report.
This circular will be sent out at the end of April with the circular usually sent by the committee of the Alumni Association suggesting names for nominations for Overseers. The circular will read as follows;
Toevery alumnus of Harvard College:
At the Annual Meeting of the Alumni of Harvard College, held last Commencement Day, it was voted that the President of the Association appoint a committee to recommend changes in observance of Commencement Day.
The President appointed a Committee of Ten, with Mr. Solomon Lincoln '57 as chairman. Mr. Lincoln invited class secretaries J. T. Wheelwright '76, H.M. Williams '85, and A. J. Garceau '91 to be present at the meeting of the committee, these gentlemen having had charge of an impromptu overflow meeting on last Commencement Day. The Committee of Ten appointed a sub-committee, consisting of Stephen M. Weld '60, a member of the Committee of Ten, F. C. Hood '86, and A. J. Garceau '91,-- the Secretary of the Association of Harvard College Class Secretaries.
As Mr. Lincoln's committee is not to report until next Commencement Day no changes recommended by it can be definitely adopted this year, but the undersigned committee would like your views on the following additional entertainments for Commencement Day next June.
An overflow meeting at the Harvard Union, for those who cannot or do not wish to go to the Commencement Dinner; this overflow meeting to have its own presiding officer, separate corps of speakers, band and glee club; none or very little food to be served at the overflow meeting, as may be determined by the consensus of opinion. The Yard to be policed for the purpose of keeping undesirable people outside the gates. Band to play in the Yard all the morning.
In order that Commencement events hereafter may not take place in two separate weeks, as at present, the Committee suggests the following programme:
Sunday--Baccalaureate Sermon.
Monday--Class Day.
Tuesday--Field Day, Yale Game and Class Dinners.
Wednesday--Phi Beta Kappa Oration and the Boat Race.
There is a growing belief that both the Commencement season and the day itself can be made more attractive. This letter is sent to every member of the Alumni in order that a full expression of opinion on his part may aid the Committee of Ten in the preparation of its report to be presented at the regular Annual Meeting of the Alumni next June.
Please send immediately any suggestion or communications to A. J. Garceau, 12 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. Yours truly, STEPHEN M. WELD '60. FREDERIC C. HOOD '86. A. J. GARCEAU '91.
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