Judging by the games and practice of the past week the development of men on the Freshman baseball team this sea son should be very even. There are no brilliant individual players, but all of the candidates have shown spirit and a willingness to work which will surely bring about good results.
At first base, Robeson has shown the best form. He is very weak on ground balls, however, and often lets them slip by him. His batting is fair. Kernan, who has been appointed temporary captain, is covering second base. He is the hardest worker on the team and seems to put life into the other men. His batting is fairly sure and his fielding steady. Sanger at third base uses good judgment in waiting for balls and his hitting is fair. His fielding is very erratic. Greenough who is trying for shortstop does not put enough life into his playing and does not pay enough attention to backing up the bases. His hitting needs improvement. Mitchell in left field covers plenty of ground and is a good fielder. At the bat he tries to hit too hard and usually sends out easy flies. Maguire in centre field is doing good work at the bat. His fielding is steady, but he does not seem to know where to throw the ball after he has caught it. Randall who is trying for right field meets the ball well, but has a tendency to knock it in the air. Adams in the outfield is a hard worker, but his fielding is erratic. He has improved his batting greatly, but it is still weak at times. Colby is a good outfielder, but his batting needs improvement. Of the catchers, Mason is a good backstop, but a very weak thrower. He lacks ginger and is liable to be caught napping while on base. His batting is even. Elkins the other catcher has not been out lately owing to trouble with his eyes. Pitcher seems to be the hardest position to fill. Smith, Tuckerman and Timmins, who are trying for that position, are all very weak. The batter always seems to have the best of the pitchers. They give many bases on balls and use poor judgment. Their batting and fielding is weak. The base running of the entire team needs improvement.
The first game played this year was that with Cambridge High School last Thursday, which resulted in a victory for the Freshmen by a score of 11 to 0. The Freshmen by a score of 11 to 0. The Freshmen played very well for the first game and their fielding was creditable. The batting, though light, was an improvement over what has been done in practice.
Score by innings: FRESHMEN, 24; NOBLE'S, 2. On Saturday Noble's was defeated in a poorly played and uninteresting game by a score of 24 to 2. The Noble's team was very weak and the playing of the Freshmen showed a great falling off from that of the first game. The batting was especially poor. The base-running and fielding were even, though at times lifeless. Smith pitched a good game for the Freshmen. The score by innings:
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