

Trials Last Thursday.--Races at Philadelphia on Saturday.

The trials to select the teams to represent Harvard in the mile, two-mile and four-mile relay races in the University of Pennsylvania relay carnival at Philadelphia next Saturday, were held on Soldiers Field last Thursday.

The 440-yards run, to pick the men for the mile relay team was held Thursday morning. W. A. Schick '05 won with J. G. Willis '02 a very close second. M. T. Lightner '03 finished third and I.G. Fry '04 fourth. The time was 51 1-5 seconds. E. C. Rust '04 did not run in the trials but will be given a place on the team and I. G. Fry '04 will be taken as a substitute.

The half-mile run to choose the men for the two-mile relay team was held Thursday afternoon. All the contestants remained close together until the last turn, when the four men who obtained places and two others spurted away from the rest and made a very close finish. The first four men finished in the following order: D. Dubois '03, G. E. Behr, 1G., K. E. Adams '03 and E. B. Boynton '02. The time was 2 minutes, 3 seconds.

The mile run held Thursday morning to determine the four-mile relay team was characterized by the fast pace maintained throughout the race. In the last lap J. C. Grew '02 spurted in the stretch and finished first. J. W. Foster '03 came in second, only a few feet behind the winner. E.W. Mills '02 and F. S. Buffum '04 finished some distance behind Grew and Foster and obtained respectively third and fourth places. The time was 4 minutes, 44 seconds.

The teams will leave Cambridge on Thursday afternoon and will proceed to New York by boat, reaching Philadelphia Friday afternoon.
