
Fact and Rumor.

A series of interclass tennis matches will be held early in May.

D. P. Penhallow has been elected captain of the 1903 lacrosse team.

H. H. Bennett has been elected captain of the 1904 lacrosse team.

The Harvard second basketball team will play Andover this evening at Andover.

A. W. Ristine '02 will coach the Iowa State Agricultural College football team next fall.


The Freshman debating club will hold a debate with the Melrose High School sometime in May.

The Freshman basketball game with Yale has been postponed again. It will probably be played on March 22.

The plaster cast of the Sandow statue has been temporarily placed at the north end of the main corridor of the Gymnasium.

The Boer sympathizers are making arrangements to hold an open meeting. An invitation to speak has been extended to Hon. Bourke Cochran.

The Yale Corinthian Club has voted to decline the challenge of the Harvard Yacht Club for a regatta to be held at New London at the time of the boat races in June.
