
Whist Tournament.

The semi-final round of the whist tournament has been finished, and M. G. Beaman 3L. and O. S. Bryant 3L., and L. Wertheimer '02 and A. C. England 3M., will now play in the final round. Cups will probably be awarded to the winners of the tournament.

The whist team will play a match tonight with the Medford Whist Club in the rooms of the Boston Duplicate Whist Club. Harvard will be represented as follows: M. G. Beaman 3L., A. C. England 3M., A. D. Wyman 1G., S. M. Whalen 1L., C. W. Berry 3L., S. Daggett 3L., L. Wertheimer 2L., J. M. DeWolfe '04.
