

The annual election of officers and members of committees of the Union will be held on Thursday, April 3. The Membership Committee, in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws, will nominate two or more candidates for each office or place on the committees and will post the list of nominations on the bulletin board of the Union tonight.

The article of the Constitution on nominations and elections is as follows:

"Section 1.--The annual election for president, vice-president, secretary and the committees shall be held on the first Thursday in April.

"Sect. 2.--The Membership Committee shall suggest names of two or more candidates for each office and each place on the committees to be elected at the annual election.

"Sect. 3.--Nominations shall be made and posted two weeks before the da e of the election; but a belated nomination, if supported by the signatures of fifty active members, may be inserted in the list up to within three days of election day. The election shall be conducted by the Australian ballot system, the polls being open from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. on election day. The officers in charge of the polls shall be appointed by the president of the Union. There shall be no voting by proxy. The persons receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. In case of a tie, another election for that office shall be held within five days."
