
Fact and Rumor.

The Worcester Academy Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, R. Abercrombie '03; vice-president, A. Campbell '03; secretary and treasurer, M. A. Edwards '04.

Professor Otto Pfeilderer of the theological faculty of the University of Berlin has accepted an invitation from the University to deliver a course of lectures before the Divinity School in the spring of 1903.

The annual conference of Y. M. C. A. presidents of the Eastern States will take place during the first week in April at Union College, Schenectady. Harvard will be represented by E. C. Carter 2G. and G. E. Huggins 1G.

The Intercollegiate Cross Country Run Association has elected the following officers for the coming year: President, G. Roberts, Jr., of Yale; treasurer, F. L. Wright of Princeton; secretary, E. A. Judd of Cornell.

By the will of the late Jerome Wheelock of Worcester, Mass., a gift to the University of $100,000 has been announced, with a suggestion that it be used for research work in geology. The bequest is to be paid from the interest which accumulates on the estate, and will not be available for several years.


Mr. Gregory P. Baxter has been appointed instructor in the chemistry department. From 1897 to 1899 Mr. Baxter was an instructor in Chemistry 4, leaving to fill a vacancy at Haverford College for one year. He next filled a professorship at Swarthmore College, which position he will leave to begin his work here next September.
