Several members of the University having expressed a desire to assist in relieving the distress of the Boer women and children confined in British concentration camps in South Africa, it has been decided to open a general subscription in their behalf. The money so collected will be forwarded according to the advice of the Rev. Herman van Broekhuizen, former pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria, who spoke at the Union last Wednesday evening. A letter from him has been promised stating the methods of distributing such relief funds, and it will be made public when received.
Contributions are requested not only from students, but from graduates, professors and others who are interested in the cause. From time to time statements as to the progress of the fund will be reported in the CRIMSON. Contributions may be sent to any of the following men: Roger Ernst, 16 Russell Hall, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 27 Westmorly Court, William P. Wharton, 12 Randolph Hall.
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