
Lacrosse Prospects.

Candidates for the lacrosse team will be called out on Monday, March 17, when a meeting for all those interested in the game will be held in Massachusetts Hall. On Tuesday regular practice will begin on Divinity Field, near the Museum, where work will continue daily until Soldiers Field is in suitable condition. For the first few days, work of a general nature will be gone over, such as catching and throwing the ball, together with practice in body checking. As soon as possible, the squad will divide into class teams, and will continue so until after the class series, to be held the first week in April. A University squad will then be picked which will go immediately to the training table. The southern trip to New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore will be taken during the week of the April recess.

The prospects for a winning team this year are by no means so bright as in the past, inasmuch as four important positions are left open by outgoing players. Of these places, goal is perhaps the most critical. Already voluntary practice is being held daily behind the gymnasium. All men will be required this year to provide their own sticks. Sticks, however, may be purchased at greatly reduced prices from the management on their arrival from the manufacturer.
