
Fact and Rumor.

Baseball practice on Yale Field began yesterday. Fifty-five candidates were out.

R. Ernst has been appointed manager of the Junior crew, and F. L. Collins of the Sophomore crew.

Preliminary trials for the Harvard debate were held at Yale Monday evening. Twenty-four men spoke.

W. T. Reid '01 will address the Young Men's Christian Association at Bowdoin College on Sunday, March 16.

Professor Josiah Royce will give a course in Metaphysics before the summer school of the University of California next July.


The following officers were elected last night by the Freshman Glee Club: President, J. Q. Tingley; secretary, B. Joy; leader, R. Howard.

At the meeting of the Christian Association tomorrow evening, reports will be made by Harvard delegates to the Toronto Convention.

The launch "John Harvard" was put into the water yesterday morning at high tide. Her engines will be put in order at once and an effort made to have them ready for the coaching this afternoon.

At the meeting of the First Year Class of the Law School yesterday afternoon, it was voted that a smoker be held in the near future. A. N. Rice was elected chairman with power to appoint a committee of ten, including the chair, to make all arrangements. The committee has not yet been appointed.
