
Discoveries at Pompeii.

Professor Francis W. Kelsey, of the University of Michigan, lectured before the Classical Club in the Fogg Lecture Room last night on "A Decade of Excavations at Pompeii." The lecture was illustrated by about thirty stereopticon slides.

After the great eruption of the year 79 A. D., Pompeii lay buried for fifteen centuries. For two centuries more little was done in the work of excavation, but after 1772 there followed thirteen decades of profitable work. The most fruitful of these is that which has just been completed, for in it many valuable discoveries have been made. The most important of these are the Villa of Bosca Reali, the temple of Venus Pompeiana, the House of the Vetii, the House of the Silver Wedding and the Bronze Phoebus.

Of these, the Villa of Bosco Reali deserves the most attention, both because of its contents and its structure. In it was found a typical Roman wine-press. In the cistern connected with this wine-press was found a very valuable collection of silver utensils now on exhibition at the Louvre in Paris. The collection includes cups, plates and bowls wrought in symbolic designs of exquisite workmanship.
