Harvard has submitted the following question for the Princeton debate: "Resolved, That Mayor Law should strictly enforce the excise laws in New York City." Princeton will announce the choice of sides on February 26, and the debate will take place in Sanders Theatre on March 26.
Three trials will be held to select the team to represent Harvard. At the first trial, which will be held in Sever 11 on Monday, February 14, at 7 o'clock, any member of the University will be allowed to speak five minutes upon either side of the question, and the judges will retain ten or twelve men for the second trial. This will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 7 o'clock, and will consist of ten minute speeches. Six men will be retained for the final trial, which will be held on Tuesday, February 25, and will be conducted in the form of a regular debate. The three speakers at this trial who are not chosen for the team will be retained to form a second team, from which the coach will choose the alternate. The man making the best showing in the three trials will receive the Coolidge prize of $100.
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