
Seniors vs. Andover.

The Senior hockey team will play Andover this afternoon at Andover. As the Freshmen were defeated by Andover a week ago by the score of 4 to 0, the Seniors expect a hard game. The lineup will be: HARVARD 1902.  ANDOVER. Cook, f.  f., Hodge. Metcalf, f.  f., Alworth. Chaffee, f.  f., Dousman. Burgess, f.  f., O'Brien. O'Connell, c.p.  c.p., P. L. Reed. Stevenson, p.  p., Silleck. Peirce, g.  g., Heckscher.

A second game between the University team and Andover will probably be played on February 18 or 20.
