The report of the Dean of the Medical School for the year 1900-1901 is composed mainly of detailed accounts of the work carried on in the different departments; and of lists of publications and investigations by the laboratory staff, and by special students.
The increased number of entering students, 198 in 1900, was accounted for by the fact that it was the last opportunity for a student to enter the school by passing admission examinations. Only 100 of the entering class passed the mid-year and final examinations. This was due to the fact that many entered too young and with insufficient training to enable them to profit by the instruction offered.
The falling off in the attendance in Summer Courses is accounted for by the fact that hereafter candidates for admission to the school must present a degree in Arts, Literature, Philosophy, or Science, from a recognised college or scientific school; or they must in some way have acquired an equivalent education and training.
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