The Library has recently received two valuable sets of Dutch periodicals, comprising in all about fifty volumes.
The relay team from the University of Pennsylvania, which will run against Harvard at the B.A.A. meet next Saturday has been chosen as follows: Westney (capt.) Pulaski, Smith, Orton.
The Yale Football Association has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, A. Fox '03, of Detroit; vice-president, R.M. Ingham '03S., of Philadelphia; assistant manager, H.C. Miller '04, of Bloomingburgh, N. Y.; secretary, D. Boies '04 of Scranton, Pa.
The clothing which was received by the Social Service Committee in the December collection has been distributed as follows: Four boxes to the Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama, and one box each to the Sailors' Mission, Boston, and the Cambridge and North Cambridge City Missions.
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