

Western Engagements Cancelled.--Dean Briggs Will Visit Western Points.

The slowness of Mrs. Eliot's recovery from her recent illness has made it necessary for President Eliot to abandon the greater part of his western trip. According to the new itinerary, the engagements at Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco have been given up, and New York, Brooklyn and Baltimore are the only cities to be visited. Later on, however, the President and Mrs. Eliot hope to be able to visit the southern cities at which it was originally planned to stop on the way home. The President's place will be taken by Dean Briggs at the meeting of the Association of American Universities in Chicago on February 25, 26 and 27. The Dean will also attend dinners given by the Harvard Clubs of Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis.

President Eliot left last night for New York where he will attend the meeting today of the Committee of Thirty-six, representing the National Civic Federation. On Friday morning he will address the students of the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and in the evening will attend the Harvard Club dinner at the Waldorf. The President will leave for Baltimore Friday night and on Saturday he will be present at the various exercises connected with the twenty-fifth anniversary of Johns Hopkins. On Saturday night he will start for Cambridge.
