
Class Rowing Begins.

Work for the class crews began yesterday afternoon. E. B. Roberts was elected captain of the 1903 Weld crew; H. Minturn of the 1904 Weld crew, and T. P. Lindsay of the 1904 Newell crew.

A large number of candidates reported for the 1904 crews, but no work was done by them as the election was not over until late in the afternoon. Eleven men reported for the Newell Senior crew, and 10 for the Weld Senior crew. This number does not include several prominent men who are coming out later. Twenty-one candidates reported for the Newell Junior crew, and 25 for the Weld. The Seniors and Juniors were coached for a short time on the rowing machines by Vail, Captain Bullard and R. S. Francis '02.
