
The Advocate.

Two sensible and timely editorials in the current Advocate favorably impress the reader at the outset. In the contributions which follow, the range of subjects and treatment is wide; and in general all the stories are readable. "The Lady of the Lilies," by T. N. Metcalf, is a fanciful sketch quite out of the ordinary, and is quaint and picturesque in style. "None but the Brave," is a story of some power, but the atmosphere is not pleasant. A longer story, "When the Tide Turned," by L. B. Cummings '03, is amusingly told. "A Stockholder in the L and N," is an attempt at a dialect sketch, but it is quite without coherence, and the dialect itself does not seem well sustained. Among the contributions in verse "Among the Cedars," by R. P., deserves favorable mention. "The Ballad of the Trenton," by L. W., is a spirited tribute to the officers and men who "met their death so merrily" at the naval disaster of Samoa in 1889. To be sure the poem loses some force from the fact that in reality the "Trenton" sank in shoal water, so that the "merry" death scene is not historical; but there is much virtue in poetic license. The number also includes "A Song," by W.S. Archibald, and two "College Kodaks."
