Baseball practice will begin in the Cage on Monday. The following men report at the hours assigned for battery work:
1.45.--Clarkson, Alexander, Timmins, Bradley, Barnett, Cook, R. P. Kernan, Eldridge, Parker, Wells, McGirr.
2.15.--Hutchinson, Dudley, Bain, Schoenfuss, Jaques, Jackson, Bond, Marean, Mason, E. R. Davis.
2.45.--Stillman, Needham, Wales, Tuckerman, Lewis, Nye, Clark, Hamlin, Field, Crane.
All Freshmen who intend to play baseball this spring report at the cage dressed to play at 3.15. Candidates for the positions of outfield and infield on the University and Second nines will be called out Monday, February 24.
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