

A. V. Galbraith '99, shortstop on the University team in 1899, has been appointed head coach of the nine for the coming season. W. T. Reid '01 will give some assistance, and Cy Young of the Boston league team will coach the pitchers.

The University baseball team will take a southern trip as usual this spring during the Easter vacation. The team will leave for Annapolis on Thursday, April 10, where they will arrive Friday noon. From there they will go to Washington where a game will be played Saturday, April 12, with the University of Virginia. The team will return to Annapolis on Sunday and will play two games with the Naval Academy during the week following. On Friday, April 19, the team will go to New York, leaving for West Point Saturday morning where a game will be played in the afternoon. The team will return to Boston on Sunday, April 20.
