
1903 Wins Swimming Races.

The interclass relay swimming races last night were won by 1908, with 1904 second, and 1905 third. No team was entered by 1902. The first heat between 1904 and 1905 resulted in a tie. 1905 won the second heat against a team composed of substitutes.

The teams were composed as follows: 1903--G. R. Ainsworth, D. James, P. Fox, E. George; 1904--E. L. Wood, R. Fuller, R. T. Crane, E. O. Hall; 1905--T. S. Hall, P. A. Proal, J. Q. Tingley, W. T. Harrison.

Arrangements have been made to hold three relay races and diving exhibitions with a team from the B. A. A., within the next two weeks. The B. A. A. has offered individual cups to the team winning two out of the three races and a cup to the person winning the most points in the diving exhibitions. The first race will be held in the B. A. A. tank, and the second at the Dunster tank.

Next week a relay race will be held with a team from the Brookline swimming tank. Negotiations are also pending for relay races with teams from Yale, Columbia and University of Pennsylvania.
