
The Law School Addition.

The new extension will soon be added to the rear of the Law School, 75 feet long by 75 feet wide, containing five stories and a basement. It will be used essentially as a book stack, and will have accommodation for over 250,000 volumes.

On the top floor there will be two lecture rooms, with seating capacity for 100 and 220 students respectively. The floor below, which is on a level with the present reading room, will have besides book frames, a library room, cataloguing room and three professors' rooms. The first, second and third stories have been given up chiefly to the book stack, although there will be a large working room and five small rooms for professors on the third floor, and five professors' rooms on the second. A bindery will probably be put in the basement, together with part of the book stack and a room for packing.

Several changes will be made to the main building, the present stack as well as the offices of the secretary and librarian being added to the reading room on the second floor.

Work will be begun on the addition as soon as the final arrangements have been made.
