
The New Shooting Club House

Candidates for the class shooting teams will be called out this afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock at the new shooting house on Soldiers Field. There will be a meeting in the shooting house at 3 o'clock of men who took part in the class shoots last year to elect captains for the year.

The new quarters for the Shooting Club, work upon which has been going on for three weeks, are now practically completed. The house is about twenty- five feet square inclusive of a ten foot veranda, and when completed will be stained a brown color with green trimmings. Inside, the house will contain a scoring board extending almost the length of the building, and a large stand for guns. A stove will be put in place for the winter and the interior will be made attractive with pictures and ornaments. A number of improvements have also been made on the new grounds. The platform from which the men shoot has been considerably widened and the pull has been so arranged as not to interfere with the shooters. Now that the equipment of the club has been made thoroughly modern a large proportion of its matches will he held on home grounds.
