The officers of the Germanic Museum Association have been elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, Carl Schurz, New York; treasurer, Frederic S. Goodwin '90, Boston; secretary, Herbert Small, Boston. Board of directors; Chairman, Henry W. Putnam '69, Boston; George A. Bartlett '93h, Boston; Karl J. Belling, Boston; Louis D. Brandeis '77, Boston; Frederic P. Fish '75, Brookline; Kuno Francke, Cambridge; Jacob H. Hecht, Boston; Ralph Hoffman '94, Cambridge; Clement S. Houghton, Boston; H. C. G. von Jagemann, Cambridge; Godfrey Morse '70, Boston; Hugo Munsterberg, Cambridge; A. P. Schmidt, Boston; Carl Schurz, New York; Herbert Small, Boston; W. G. Thompson '88, Boston; Frank Vogel '87, Boston; C. Howard Walker '90, Boston; Louis Weissbein, Boston; Winthrop Wetherbee '87, Boston.
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