We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed. Every communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
In view of the editorial in the CRIMSON on Friday morning with regard to the service in the dining-room of the Union, it seems wise to offer a word or two of explanation.
From figures gathered by the House Committee this fall it appears that up to the end of the football season the average number of people at a meal was 99. This average in the first two weeks of December dropped to 70, and the total number served per week dropped from an average of 2085 to 1475. There have been 8 regular waiters all the fall, and they have found no difficulty in looking after all who came. When the proportion of people per meal suddenly dropped from 100 to 70, the Committee decided to cut down the number of waiters from 8 to 6. It happened that the day after the change Sunday, December 14, was particularly full, and the waiters had more than they could do. This difficulty can be met by hiring extra waiters for Sundays.
The Committee is always ready to hear complaints and suggestions, and urges all who have any to leave them in the box provided for the purpose. But thus far none have been received with regard to the service in the dining-room, and for this reason the CRIMSON editorial came as a very great surprise. An examination of the facts seems to show that in this case the CRIMSON was at least somewhat overhasty in its conclusions. ROGER ERNST, Chairman House Committee.
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