During the Christmas recess a number of American Associations of learning will hold their annual meetings in various cities of the east, and at nearly all of them Harvard will be represented by members of the Faculty and others. This is the first year of the Convocation Week which is set aside by all universities and colleges of the country for meetings of American Learned Societies. It extends from December 27 to January 3, and within this compass, nearly all the conventions will be held.
The Modern Language Association of America, one of the oldest and largest of these, will hold its twentieth annual meeting at Baltimore on December 29, 30, and 31. Of the Faculty, Professor Grandgent, president of the Association. Professors Sheldon, Kittredge, Ford, and von Jagemann will be present, and Professor Sheldon and C. F. Brown 3G., will read papers. Also at Baltimore, the American Dialect Society will hold a business meeting on December 30. All the above members of the Faculty are members of the Society, and will be present.
On December 26 to 30, the American Historical Association will hold its eighteenth annual meeting at Philadelphia, in the buildings of the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Hart, Professor Haskins and other members of the Historical Department at Harvard will be present. Captain A. T. Mahan h'95, president of the Association, will read a paper on "Subordination in Historical Treatment," on December 26. During the meeting, nine other holders of degrees from Harvard will read papers, among which will be one on "The Scots Darien Settlement," by Hiram Bingham 3G.
On December 26 to 29, the American Economic Association will hold its annual meeting, also at Philadelphia, and on December 26, will hold its joint meeting with the American Historical Association in the Drexel Institute. During the meeting, Professor Carver will give a discussion of a paper on "The Dynamics of the Wages Question."
The Archaeological Institute of America will meet during Convocation Week an Princeton University on Wednesday. December 31, and Thursday and Friday, January 1 and 2, 1903. The Annual Ad dress will be delivered by Professor William W. Goodwin, former professor of Greek at Harvard. Other Harvard men who will read papers are Professor J. H. Wright, Dr. George H. Chase, Professor C. B. Gulick, Dr. Von Mach, Professor George F. Moore of the Dental School, and Professor J. R. Wheeler.
On December 29 and 30, the American Mathematical Society will hold its annual meeting at Columbia University. Professor Osgood, Professor Bocher, and Dr. Huntington will represent Harvard, and will read papers.
During Convocation Week, several Learned Societies will meet together at Columbian University, Washington, under the name of the Affiliated Societies. They are: the American Anthropoligical Association, the American Chemical Society, the American Folk Lore Society, the American Microscopical Society, the American Morphological Society, the American Philosophical Society, the American Physical Society, the American Physiological Society, the American Psychological Society, the American Society of Naturalists, the Association of American Anatomists, the Association of Economic Entomologists, the Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, the Botanical Society of America, the National Geographic Society, the Naturalists of the Central States, and the Society of American Bacteriologists. At a number of these, Harvard will be represented. At the meeting of the American Psychological Society, and the American Philosophical Society, two very closely affiliated societies on December 30 and 31, Dr. Miller, Professor Royce, and Professor Munsterberg will speak.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, will also hold its meeting at the Columbian University, from December 27 to January 3, and will have a number of joint meetings with the different Affiliated Societies
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