
Association of American Universities.

The fourth annual conference of the Association of American Universities will be held at Columbia University on December 29, 30 and 31. President Butler of Columbia will preside at the conference and representatives from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Pennsylvania, and other universities will present papers and make the annual reports. President Eliot will represent Harvard and will speak on "The Requirements for Admission to Professional Schools."

The Alumni Council of Columbia will give a dinner at Sherry's, Fifth Avenue and 14th Street, New York, to the delegates of the conference, on Tuesday evening, December 30. The speakers at the dinner will be President Eliot of Harvard, President Hadley of Yale, Mr. James W. Alexander, and Hon. Wayne McVeagh. The dinner will be open to all alumni of the universities included in the membership of the Association. Tickets, at five dollars each, may be obtained upon application at the Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia Clubs, of New York City of from B. D. Woodward, Chairman of the Dinner Committee, Columbia University. Each application should be accompanied by a check for the required fee, with an indication of the name and class of the university from which the applicant has graduated, in order that a suitable assignment of seats may be made.
